Infrastructure Grants
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity Lake County works to eliminate systemic barriers to homeownership by providing different paths to achieve it. HFHLC Partner Families are seeking a path to homeownership, and must meet certain criteria, including falling within certain income guidelines; commitment to attend 30+ financial education classes/budget counseling; and willingness to complete 500 hours of sweat equity as a “down payment” on the housing. Annually, HFHLC hosts interns from Lake Forest College, which is an opportunity for HFHLC to work collaboratively with Lake Forest College's Career Advancement Center (which has made the development of roles and matching the perfect person to the role a huge benefit).
Lake County Haven
Lake County Haven is dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless women and children. It uses education, employment, and life-skills training to help people move from homelessness to independence, with a goal of long-term stability and self-sufficiency for each woman and family. The Haven’s Transitional Shelter and Housing Programs for women and children in crisis provide professional case management and counseling services, life-skills training, and onsite (or virtual) Day Programs, which are therapeutic groups and classes offered seven days per week. These services help each family identify and overcome the root causes of their homelessness.
ReNew Communities
ReNew Communities is focused on North Chicago with the goal of creating a tipping point toward community revitalization. Every ReNew homeowner is asked to be a catalytic family in seeking the wellbeing of their neighbors and North Chicago. ReNew has formalized a Trades Employment Program (TEP) that will train local residents in construction using Matthew Homes as the classroom environment. ReNew leverages its relationships with YouthBuild, local builders, and professionals to build an integrated skills development environment. ReNew is providing both a living wage and on-the-job training for even higher paying jobs and benefits with for-profit construction companies.
Transform Capital
Transform Capital (TC) provides capital (in the form of market-rate home and business loans) and catalyst (in activating the power of its collective network to walk alongside deserving asset owners over the decades-long journey of ownership) to lift up North Chicago by encouraging local business ownership and formation and enhancing the stability of the local housing stock. Home ownership in North Chicago remains under 35%; shifting this ownership rate toward 66% is an incredibly important determinant in creating stability in a community, reducing the transiency that comes with low quality rentals. TC has formed partnerships with ReNew Communities, Mosaic House Ministries, local government, District 187, NCCP, Lake Couty Partners and dozens of other community partners.
Gorter Family Foundation's grantmaking is through an invitation-only application process.